NASA SMD AI Workshop 2024

Room A


A short way description on how to find the room

Talks in this room:
Day1 - Current AI Landscape
 8:30 ! Live

Welcome and Introduction Session Intro

    Elizabeth Fancher

     8:35 ! Live

    Meeting Introduction and Logistics

      Manil Maskey

       8:40 ! Live

      MSFC Welcome and Overview 101

        Larry Leopard

         9:00 ! Live

        Data and Open Science Strategy

          Kevin Murphy

           9:15 ! Live

          Agency AI Strategy

            Ed McLarney

             9:25 ! Live

            Perspectives on AI & FM (Other Agencies) Session Intro

              Dan Crichton

               9:30 ! Live

              AI Alliance

                Saleem Hussain

                 9:45 ! Live

                AI advancements in Geospatial Science and Human Security

                  Dalton Lunga

                   10:00 ! Live

                  Update on the Launch of the National AI Research Resource (NAIRR) Pilot

                    Katie Antypas

                     10:20 ! Live


                       10:35 ! Live

                      New Developments in AI Session Intro (Industry & Academia)

                        Mark Carroll

                         10:40 ! Live

                        GraphCast Learning skillful medium-range global weather forecasting

                          Remi Lam

                           10:55 ! Live

                          Towards a Foundation Model for Fundamental Physics

                            Mariel Pettee

                             11:05 ! Live

                            Leveraging Large Models to Understand the World Through Data

                              Georgia Gkioxari

                               11:20 ! Live

                              A Path Towards Using Foundation models for Air Quality Forecasting

                                Jennifer Sleeman

                                 11:30 ! Live

                                Generalist medical AI

                                  Michael Moor

                                   11:40 ! Live

                                  AI Ethics Panel Session

                                    Charley Haley, Manil Maskey

                                     12:25 ! Live

                                    Lunch Break

                                       13:25 ! Live

                                      Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs)

                                      • Hands-on workshop on applications of Large Language Models (LLMs)

                                        • Prompt Patterns for Science - Everyone

                                        • Application development and deployment - Developers

                                        • Fine-tuning - ML Developers

                                      Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Rahul Ramachandran, Kaylin Bugbee, Ashish Acharya, Nishan Pantha, Walter Alvarado, Iksha Gurung

                                       15:25 ! Live


                                         15:40 ! Live

                                        Applications of Large Language Models (LLMs)

                                        • Hands-on workshop on applications of Large Language Models (LLMs)

                                          • Prompt Patterns for Science - Everyone

                                          • Application development and deployment - Developers

                                          • Fine-tuning - ML Developers

                                        Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Rahul Ramachandran, Kaylin Bugbee, Ashish Acharya, Nishan Pantha, Walter Alvarado, Iksha Gurung

                                         17:10 ! Live

                                        End of Day Wrap Up

                                          Manil Maskey

                                          Day2 - AI for Science
                                           8:30 ! Live

                                          Current State of AI

                                            Kenton Fisher

                                             8:35 ! Live


                                              Raghu Ganti, Juan Bernabe-Moreno

                                               8:45 ! Live

                                              Weather & Climate, Helio FM

                                                Sujit Roy

                                                 8:55 ! Live


                                                  Mark Carroll, Jordan Caraballo-Vega

                                                   9:05 ! Live

                                                  Application of Foundation Models to Astronomy and Biology

                                                    Ashish Mahabal

                                                     9:15 ! Live

                                                    Does where your pre-training data come from matter for geospatial foundation model performance?

                                                      Mirali Purohit

                                                       9:25 ! Live

                                                      Large Mars Model

                                                        Umaa Rebbapragada

                                                         9:35 ! Live

                                                        An AI manager’s journey into the era of Foundation Models

                                                          James Parr

                                                           9:45 ! Live


                                                             10:00 ! Live

                                                            HLS FM

                                                            • Hands-on exercise in fine-tuning FMs

                                                              • Fine-tune Prithvi 100M geospatial foundation model for multiple down-stream tasks

                                                              • Deploy fine-tuned models

                                                            Iksha Gurung, Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Rajat Shinde

                                                             12:00 ! Live

                                                            Lunch Break

                                                               13:00 ! Live

                                                              HLS FM

                                                              • Hands-on exercise in fine-tuning FMs

                                                                • Fine-tune Prithvi 100M geospatial foundation model for multiple down-stream tasks

                                                                • Deploy fine-tuned models

                                                              Iksha Gurung, Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Rajat Shinde

                                                               14:30 ! Live


                                                                 14:45 ! Live

                                                                   14:50 ! Live

                                                                  Introduction to FM Playbook

                                                                    Rahul Ramachandran

                                                                     15:05 ! Live

                                                                    Break out Theme/Topic Selection

                                                                      Charley Haley

                                                                       15:50 ! Live

                                                                      Individual Break out Theme/Topic Discussion

                                                                         17:20 ! Live

                                                                        End of Day 2 Wrap Up

                                                                          Manil Maskey

                                                                          Day3 - Planning for the Future
                                                                           8:30 ! Live

                                                                          Thematic Break Out Report Out

                                                                            Charley Haley

                                                                             9:25 ! Live

                                                                            Break Out Discussion w/ Priorization Activity

                                                                               10:25 ! Live


                                                                                 10:40 ! Live

                                                                                Recap of Workshop Objectives and Challenge Areas

                                                                                   10:55 ! Live

                                                                                  Mentimeter Survey

                                                                                     11:25 ! Live

                                                                                    Plan for Workshop Report

                                                                                       11:55 ! Live

                                                                                      Closing Remarks

                                                                                        Manil Maskey