Downloading Data


A user can download images from an event page by selecting the images they want to download and pressing the download A small image of the download button used to download an image from an event page. button in the top right-hand corner of the page. A user can select more than one event by clicking on A small image of checkbox on the event card. on the event card. The user can also download images based on tag status A small image of the tag status checkbox from an event page..

After a user has pressed the download button they can navigate to the Downloads page (shown in Figure 12). When their download is ready, a zip file is presented to the user on the downloads page. Once the file is ready for download on the Downloads page, the user can download the file onto their local machine.


Users have the option to download GeoTIFFs directly using the A small image of the edit button a user can utilize to change the geotiffs file name. tab on the left-hand side menu. When downloading GeoTIFFs, a user will start by navigating to a date that contains a GeoTIFF. When a date is selected that contains a GeoTIFF, the user will see the file name(s) appear under the GeoTIFFs section in the right-hand menu (shown in Figure 18). The user will be able to view the file(s) on the map by clicking on A small image of the edit button a user can utilize to change the geotiffs file name. before deciding to download the file(s), as shown in Figure 19. A user can click the checkbox A small image of checkbox on the event card. next to the file in the GeoTIFFs list to select it for download.

This image shows the list of GeoTIFF files that are located on the map for the specified date.

Figure 18: Geotiffs file list

This image shows how the GeoTIFFs feature shows the files on the map when the user selects a single file.

Figure 19: Files displayed on the map

A user has the option to download individual files or bulk download all the files for that specific date by checking the box next to the Geotiff Name A small image of the "Name" header and checkbox used to select all files for download. header. Once they decide to download a file, a user will presses the download A small image of the download button used to download selected files. button and the file will appear in the Downloads tab. Also, a user can upload a GeoTIFF to a specific date by selecting the upload A small image of the upload button used to upload geotiffs to a specified date. button on the mapview.

While a user can create their own download, the user also has the option to download a file that is already in the downloads section. This can be done with GeoTIFFs and shapefiles (the download process for shapefiles is described in the Shapefiles section).


In addition to extracting images, the GeoTIFFs feature can be used to draw polygons and save shapefiles which can then be downloaded. To draw a shapefile, create a polygon on the map using the Draw a Polygon tool on controls panel to the left A small image of the button used to draw polygon shapefiles..

This image shows how a user can use the draw a Polygon to create a shapefile.

Figure 20: Drawing a shapefile using the polygon tool

The user can have multiple shapefiles drawn on the map and can select a shapefile (or GeoTIFFs) to view on the map (shown in Figure 21).

This image shows how a user can download a Geotiff or Shapefile directly from the map view in the GeoTIFFs  feature.

Figure 21: View Geotiffs or shapefiles