Prototype Deployment


We started the prototype-maps project to support visualizing Zarr data using multiple approaches and data configurations in a consolidated application. The project is currently deployed at The current version of the dynamic client page includes the option to select from several different datasets. Datasets are available in either Zarr V2 or Zarr V3 format, with different projections (equirectangular or mercator), chunking schemes (~1MB/chunk, ~5MB/chunk, ~10MB/chunk, or ~25MB/chunk), and sharding schemes (none, ~50MB/shard, ~100MB/shard). The time slider allows scrolling through the two years of daily data included in this demonstration. Options for adjusting the color mapping and visualizing time series are included in drop-down windows, with the spatial selector allowing custom selection of the data window averaged for the time series.

prototype-maps: Technology stack

The prototype deployment was built using @carbonplan/maps with different configurations of projection and Zarr version, for which support was added in 3.1.0. Upstream, the @carbonplan/maps library depends on zarr-js@3.3.0, for support reading Zarr in v3 and sharded formats as well as mapbox-gl@1.13.1 for the mapping context in which the Zarr data are rendered.