Tile Server End to End Benchmarks

In addition to application code benchmarks, it is important have e2e benchmarks which demonstrate the performance of the tile server. Running end-to-end benchmarks is documented in https://github.com/developmentseed/tile-benchmarking/tree/main/03-e2e/README.md.

Tested tiles ranged from zoom 0 to zoom 5. From testing we noticed that the most important factors in determining response time were the number of coordinate chunks and the chunk size. The time reported is the median response time and represents the median response time for multiple requests (usually 10) for the same tile (i.e. x, y, and z parameters).

Based on this, the recommendation would be to create chunks as small as possible (e.g. 1 timestep per chunk for the full spatial extent if visualization is the main goal) and not to chunk coordinate data.

Below, we include an example of how to plot results from one execution of these benchmarks.

First we download the results:

import sys
import eodc_hub_role
credentials = eodc_hub_role.fetch_and_set_credentials()
# download results from s3 or copy them from the tile-benchmarking repo
!aws s3 cp --recursive s3://nasa-eodc-data-store/tile-benchmarking-results/2023-10-08_00-15-09/ downloaded_results/
# Import libraries
import os
import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
pd.options.plotting.backend = 'holoviews'
import warnings

Parse and merge results into a single dataframe.

# Specify the directory path and the suffix
directory_path = "downloaded_results/"
suffix = "_urls_stats.csv"  # For example, if you're interested in text files

# List all files in the directory
all_files = os.listdir(directory_path)

# Filter the files to only include those that end with the specified suffix
files_with_suffix = [f"{directory_path}{f}" for f in all_files if f.endswith(suffix)]

dfs = []
for file in files_with_suffix:
    df = pd.read_csv(file)
    df['file'] = file

merged_df = pd.concat(dfs)

The “Name” column is either the URL path (i.e. /0/0/0) OR “Aggregated”. The “Aggregated” results represent aggregations across tile endpoints. We want to understand results by zoom level, so the “Aggregated” rows are removed and we parse the zoom from the tile endpoint. We also parse the dataset name from the file name.

df_filtered = merged_df[merged_df['Name'] != 'Aggregated']
df_filtered['zoom'] = [int(path.split('/')[2]) for path in df_filtered['Name']]
df_filtered['dataset'] = [file.split('/')[1].replace('_urls_stats.csv', '') for file in df_filtered['file']]

Next, we load and merge the zoom_info.csv file that was generated when generating the URLs to test (see gen_test_urls.py, so that we can view performance alongside characterstics of the datset, like chunk size.

df_filtered_min = df_filtered[['dataset', 'zoom', 'Median Response Time']]
zarr_info = pd.read_csv('../../../tile-benchmarking/03-e2e/zarr_info.csv')
zarr_info_min = zarr_info[['collection_name', 'shape_dict', 'chunks', 'chunk_size_mb', 'number_of_spatial_chunks', 'dtype']]
# power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc is a bit of an outlier
zarr_info_min = zarr_info_min[zarr_info_min['collection_name'] != 'power_901_monthly_meteorology_utc.zarr']
results_info_merged = zarr_info_min.merge(df_filtered_min, left_on='collection_name', right_on='dataset', how='outer')

Plotting results

We can plot results to see how, at low zoom levels, time is a function of both number of spatial chunks AND chunk size. As zoom levels increase, the number of spatial chunks matters less, where as the chunk size continues to impact peformance.

plots_dict = {}

for zoom in range(zoom_levels):
    subset = results_info_merged[results_info_merged['zoom'] == zoom].drop(columns=['dataset'])
    chunk_plot = subset.hvplot.scatter(x='chunk_size_mb', y='Median Response Time', title=f'Zoom Level {zoom}: Time vs. Chunk Size', by='collection_name', legend=False)
    # Time vs. Number of Spatial Chunks
    spatial_plot = subset.hvplot.scatter(x='number_of_spatial_chunks', y='Median Response Time', title=f'Zoom Level {zoom}: Time vs. Number of Spatial Chunks', by='collection_name', legend=False)
    plots_dict[zoom] = (chunk_plot + spatial_plot)
grid_plot = hv.Layout(plots_dict.values()).cols(2).opts(shared_axes=False)


Table of responses

It may be easier to understand these results in a table. Because multiple tiles were tested above zoom 0 (which only has one tile) we can take the average response across tiles at a given zoom level and put those results in a talbe alongside the dependent variables of chunk size and number of spatial chunks for easier interpretation.

for zoom in range(6):
    display(f"Results for Zoom {zoom}")
    this_zoom_results = results_info_merged[results_info_merged['zoom'] == zoom].drop(columns=['dataset'])
    average_response = this_zoom_results.groupby('collection_name')['Median Response Time'].mean().reset_index()
    average_response.rename(columns={'Median Response Time': 'Average Median Response'}, inplace=True)
    # Merge this with the original dataframe
    result = pd.merge(average_response, zarr_info_min, on='collection_name', how='left')
    display(result.sort_values(['Average Median Response'])) 
'Results for Zoom 0'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 220.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 270.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 280.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
3 cmip6-kerchunk 330.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 350.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 510.000000 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 510.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 540.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 550.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 630.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 840.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 980.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1704.102722 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 1900.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 3200.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 3700.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 5700.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
'Results for Zoom 1'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 220.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
3 cmip6-kerchunk 225.0 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 250.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 260.0 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 330.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 485.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 490.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 500.0 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 520.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 540.0 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 610.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 845.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 1030.0 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 1115.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 1300.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1500.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 2900.0 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64
'Results for Zoom 2'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
3 cmip6-kerchunk 218.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 220.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 254.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 258.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 325.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 408.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 482.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 486.666667 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 486.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 510.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 610.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 817.500000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 842.500000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 852.500000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 1118.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1500.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 2975.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64
'Results for Zoom 3'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
3 cmip6-kerchunk 208.181818 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 214.545455 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 245.454545 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 255.833333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 326.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 406.363636 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 484.545455 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 484.545455 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 485.555556 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 497.272727 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 512.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 554.166667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 647.272727 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 655.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 838.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1500.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 3037.671648 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64
'Results for Zoom 4'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
3 cmip6-kerchunk 200.666667 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 214.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 240.000000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 253.571429 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 328.461538 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 410.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 453.571429 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 479.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 480.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 486.428571 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 504.285714 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 509.333333 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 532.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 577.500000 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 838.666667 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1500.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 3008.821526 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64
'Results for Zoom 5'
collection_name Average Median Response shape_dict chunks chunk_size_mb number_of_spatial_chunks dtype
3 cmip6-kerchunk 208.148148 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
10 single_chunk_store_lat512_lon1024.zarr 214.444444 {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} {'time': 1, 'lat': 512, 'lon': 1024} 4.000000 1.000000 float64
1 600_1440_1_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 240.740741 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 1, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 3.295898 1.000000 float32
11 single_chunk_store_lat724_lon1448.zarr 251.851852 {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} {'time': 1, 'lat': 724, 'lon': 1448} 7.998291 1.000000 float64
5 single_chunk_store_lat1024_lon2048.zarr 330.740741 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1024, 'lon': 2048} 16.000000 1.000000 float64
13 with_chunks_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 393.703704 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 2.000427 float64
15 with_chunks_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 461.111111 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 8.001709 float64
6 single_chunk_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 480.370370 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
14 with_chunks_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 482.800000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 4.000000 float64
12 with_chunks_store_lat1448_lon2896.zarr 483.461538 {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 1.000000 float64
16 with_chunks_store_lat5793_lon11586.zarr 493.461538 {'time': 1, 'lat': 5793, 'lon': 11586} {'time': 1, 'lat': 1448, 'lon': 2896} 31.993164 16.005525 float64
4 cmip6-pds_GISS-E2-1-G_historical_tas 497.777778 {'time': 1980, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} {'time': 600, 'lat': 90, 'lon': 144} 29.663086 1.000000 float32
2 600_1440_29_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 511.851852 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 29, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} 95.581055 1.000000 float32
0 365_262_262_CMIP6_daily_GISS-E2-1-G_tas.zarr 614.814815 {'time': 730, 'lat': 600, 'lon': 1440} {'time': 365, 'lat': 262, 'lon': 262} 95.577469 12.586679 float32
7 single_chunk_store_lat2048_lon4096.zarr 835.925926 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2048, 'lon': 4096} 64.000000 1.000000 float64
8 single_chunk_store_lat2896_lon5792.zarr 1500.000000 {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} {'time': 1, 'lat': 2896, 'lon': 5792} 127.972656 1.000000 float64
9 single_chunk_store_lat4096_lon8192.zarr 3033.333333 {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} {'time': 1, 'lat': 4096, 'lon': 8192} 256.000000 1.000000 float64